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15 Ways to Use AI in Your Small Business

Written by:

Sean McAlindin, a business and arts writer, has a decade-long experience in music and culture journalism and recently ventured into business writing.

Edited by:

Sallie, holding a Ph.D. from Walden University, is an experienced writing coach and editor with a background in marketing. She has served roles in corporate communications and taught at institutions like the University of Florida.

15 Ways to Use AI in Your Small Business

15 Ways to Use AI in Your Small Business

If you haven’t noticed all the recent breakthroughs in AI, you clearly haven’t been paying attention. Artificial intelligence is one of the hottest and most speculative industries in the world today. Every week, new innovative tools and experimental applications are being released to the public, and the media can’t seem to get enough of it. 

But once you get past the hype, have you ever wondered how you can actually use this technology to boost your sales and improve your business?

To be honest, it can be overwhelming trying to keep up with this rapid evolution. Deciding which platforms to use and what opportunities to pursue is not a simple matter. Furthermore, these tools don’t work themselves – they require time and skill to master. So, before we dive deeper into the AI rabbit hole, let’s go over the absolute best ways to use artificial intelligence tools to improve your enterprise today. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will cover common business uses for AI and discuss the most popular applications and strategies for using it to increase your efficiency, productivity, creativity, and, most importantly, your bottom line, with the limitless potential of this emerging technology.

Key Takeaways

  • AI is becoming more mainstream every day as businesses across various industries seek ways to leverage this technology to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

  • The potential benefits of using AI for your business include increased productivity, efficiency, creativity, savings, and more.

  • There are over a dozen common categories of use for AI across a broad range of business industries with new applications being designed every day.

AI In a Changing Business Landscape

Change is inevitable. There are countless examples throughout history when a new technology has completely altered the economic and social landscape of human development. The printing press replaced hand-written books, the industrial revolution changed the manufacturing of hard goods, and social media and smartphones transformed the way we communicate and do business.

At each watershed moment, the latest technology was at first seen as a threat, but would go on to revolutionize the business landscape. While some businesses declined under the shifting circumstances, these sweeping market changes also created new jobs and opportunities in place of the ones they made obsolete. 

Modern AI is working much the same way. Like it or not, it’s the next step in our evolutionary journey as a society. Instead of viewing AI as a self-destructive menace, it’s more productive for managers, workers, and freelancers to open their minds and look for ways to use it to support and enhance what they already do. 

Where is AI being used?

With its potential to be a game-changer for businesses across all industries, AI is a rapidly growing market that is sure to explode throughout the next decade. Just look at these statistics. 

  • In 2022, venture capitalists invested over $2.6 billion in AI. (CB Insights)
  • The AI software market worldwide is expected to reach 126 billion dollars by 2025. (Statista)
  • Gartner predicts that more than 75% of organizations will shift from piloting AI technologies to operationalizing them by the end of 2024. (Gartner)

AI is already being used extensively in the fields of communications, sales, cars, social media, video games, banking, surveillance, medicine, human resources, marketing, and journalism, to name a few. 

Here is a list of the most common industries to employ AI technology.

The most popular business uses for AI today (Forbes Advisor)

  • Customer service – 56% 
  • Cybersecurity and fraud management – 51% 
  • Customer relationship management  – 46%
  • Digital personal assistants -47%
  • Inventory management – 40%
  • Content production – 35%
  • Product recommendations – 33%
  • Accounting – 30%
  • Supply chain operations – 30% 
  • Recruitment and talent sourcing – 26%
  • Audience segmentation – 24%

How to Use AI in Small Business

Are you interested in learning more about how you could possibly use AI in your business, but you’re not sure where to begin? 

Sure, Facebook can invest millions in advanced algorithms to maximize our screen time and Domino’s can build a custom chatbot from the ground up. However, most of us don’t have the resources to make that level of investment. 

Let’s say you’re a small business owner looking to find out about how you can use AI to assist in your day-to-day operations. In that case, let’s go over the most common business applications for artificial intelligence in 2023. These are proven areas of success, with a wide range of tools available to get you started using AI to streamline your operations, enhance your insight, and boost your bottom line.

1. Content writing

It feels like the floodgates of AI were officially opened on November 30, 2022 when OpenAI released its free ChatGPT writing tool. It amassed more than one million users in its first five days. 

By January 2023, it had become the fastest-growing consumer software application in history, reaching over 100 million users and contributing to OpenAI’s valuation growing to $29 billion. Within months, other businesses accelerated competing products such as Google’s PaLM-E, Baidu’s ERNIE, and Meta’s LLaMA. 

While ChatGPT, and other platforms like it, excel at creating written language of all forms, it is really more than a writing tool. Technically, it’s a natural language processing machine. This means it is AI guided by a set of algorithms, or complex mathematical formulas, capable of generating seemingly new, realistic content—such as text, images, or audio—from verbal input. 

Generative AI that is fashioned similarly to ChatGPT was built primarily on vast data sets of information “scraped“ from the Internet, including every Wikipedia article and millions of Reddit posts. It now uses these language patterns to write what appears to be intelligent responses at incomprehensible speeds. While it still requires some human editing in most cases, AI is actually quite good at producing any kind of written work with a high degree of accuracy, creativity, clarity, and organization. 

As a result, the technology is spreading like wildfire. 

  • Almost all (97%) business owners believe ChatGPT will help their business
  • One in three businesses plans to use ChatGPT to write website content.
  • Nearly half (46%) of business owners use AI to craft internal communications. (Forbes Advisor)

From creating engaging blog posts to crafting compelling product descriptions to delivering a corporate email, AI-generated content can streamline the writing process and help businesses establish a strong, professional online presence. 

The secret to unlocking the power of these intelligent writing assistants relies on the user’s ability to generate high-quality prompts with clear parameters. If given the right directions and guidance, these tools can assist, speed up, and fine-tune writing processes across the board. 

For the most part, you will still need to edit an AI’s generative output to improve the voice, cohesiveness, and factual accuracy of the work, but these tools can easily and efficiently generate ideas, create outlines, and produce quality first drafts in the blink of an eye. They also automatically check grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors to ensure even novice writers maintain a high level of professionalism. 

By analyzing keywords, identifying relevant topics, and suggesting improvements, AI-powered writing tools can help businesses create SEO-friendly content that ranks higher in search engine results pages. SemRush, Surfer SEO, Alli AI, and NeuronWriter are a few examples of programs that can help digital marketers polish their content for maximum performance on the web. 

At the end of the day, businesses can rely on these tools to produce polished, high-ranking content without the need for a professional writing contractor. Even if you’ve got modest writing skills, AI can get you most of the way there.

2. Smart email

Another popular AI for businesses is smart email. These systems read incoming emails to understand the content and context of messages. They interpret customer intent, extract relevant information, identify the key issues or requests, categorize emails, and route them to the appropriate departments or individuals, helping to ensure that customer inquiries are handled promptly and meticulously.

Smart email systems are also able to draft email responses based on what needs to happen next to best assist the customer. By reviewing customer data, order history, and previous interactions, these systems generate personalized and contextually relevant responses to each individual, addressing their specific needs and concerns. 

While this might be overkill for some small businesses, it can be especially useful to anyone that finds themselves bogged down answering emails way too often, or companies that receive many similar questions and requests every day. 

3. Translation

With free translation services, AI tools can open up whole new global markets for your goods. You can now use programs like ChatGPT, Google Translate, or DeepL to translate documents with remarkable accuracy. 

44% of businesses plan to use ChatGPT to write content in other languages. (Forbes Advisor)

Since the 90s, machine translation has been used worldwide for legal texts, financial institutions, e-commerce, tourism, and marketing media. More recently, breakthroughs in the application of neural networks modeled on the human brain have resulted in more natural, insightful translations.

While these tools still can’t rival an actual person in terms of generating emotive, impactful and persuasive translations of multi-layered texts, they have come a long way from where they started. If used with care and attention to detail, they can provide a valuable asset to growing ventures that want to expand into the worldwide marketplace. 

4. Graphic design

Much like ChatGPT, Jasper, or for the written word, modern image-generating platforms have reached an astounding ability to generate artwork from text prompts. By accessing vast troves of images from the public domain, graphic design tools like Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, and DALL-E possess the ability to create original works of art with startling skill, depth, and creativity. 

So far, these platforms have proved to be incredibly popular. DALL-E launched in January 2021 and gained 1.5 million users in the first year. Stable Diffusion, which was released in August 2022, now sees 10 million users every day. 

From website creation to social media advertisements, intelligent design tools are streamlining the artistic process and helping businesses establish a strong visual identity with less effort. Businesses are using these programs to create visually-appealing logos, banners, business cards, and other marketing materials. 

Smart image editing technologies can automatically enhance and retouch images. They adjust colors, improve image quality, remove backgrounds, and even resize images, without sacrificing quality, helping businesses achieve content that looks professional and eye-catching across multiple platforms.

Intelligent design tools help to ensure consistency in branding by creating templates and style guides that allow companies maintain a cohesive visual identity through all marketing materials, ensuring that their brand is easily recognizable and memorable.

That being said, many designers and marketing reps have complained that the average output of the most popular image generators lack a certain uniqueness and soul that’s typically found in human artwork. Like the writing tools, these platforms require skilled human operators to prompt and work with the AI to come up with a quality final product. Nevertheless, the possibilities are endless when put in the hands of the right person. 

5. Video production

Have you seen the new “Black Mirror” episode called “Joan is Awful?” It follows the descent of a normal, everyday human resources manager whose life is turned upside down when AI starts producing an ongoing show based on her life.

While this may seem unrealistic, it’s not as far off as you might think. Hollywood studios, major advertising agencies, and Main Street businesses are increasingly turning to AI to streamline their video production processes and save money. 

Tools like Pictory, Runway, and Syntheses are already able to generate videos using basic text prompts. Now anyone with a vision and a voice can create studio-quality film projects without investing in a production team. 

AI can draft original scripts, create human-looking avatars, construct scenes, generate voice overs, and compose background music for films. Intelligent video editing tools can analyze footage, select the best clips, apply stylistic enhancements, and create edited videos, saving businesses time and effort by eliminating the need for manual editing. They can automatically transcribe spoken words in videos and generate subtitles or closed captions. 

Thanks to AI, creatives are no longer limited by the talents they possess. Regardless of your skill level and budget, you can now be the producer and director of your very own project. Whether you’re starting a niche YouTube channel or producing a marketing video for your newest product, you don’t necessarily have to hire a professional filmmaker. And if you do, they may be able to complete the project in much less time than they would’ve taken with analog filming techniques. 

On the flip side, these tools are also eliminating the need for writers, actors, sets, and film crews which is proving to be a major sticking point in the ongoing Hollywood writers’ strike negotiations. How long will people remain intrigued by television, movies, and commercials that are fully created by AI? Many cinemaphiles are doubtful about it, but so far the house money says otherwise. 

6. Music production

Are you ready for your next favorite musical artist and producer to be a robot? It may happen sooner than you think. 

Tools like Soundraw and Ramper can now create original music based on verbal prompts. AI-created soundtracks are currently being used in TV, movies, video games, commercials, streaming, and social media.

While this technology has yet to produce any true hits on its own, it excels at manipulating vast libraries of recordings and sound bytes to form the seeds for original, creative music for independent composers and producers. 

For example, the song “Drowned in the Sun” is the product of Google’s Magenta based on data from dozens of original Nirvana recordings that crafted lyrics for the singer of a Nirvana tribute band to perform. And Holly Herndon’s 2019 album, Proto, described by Vulture as the “world’s first mainstream album made with AI,” generated audio variations based on hours of vocal samples. 

So whether you need a new jingle, or you want to write a piece of original music for your next big commercial, AI is there to help you come up with something fresh and engaging that fits the vibe of your business. 

7. Operations automation 

Entrepreneurial ventures of all shapes and sizes are turning to AI to streamline and optimize their day-to-day operations. By enabling the automation of many tasks that humans previously did, artificial intelligence has the potential to increase efficiency and productivity, reduce costs, and open up new opportunities for growth. 

As such, businesses that are able to effectively leverage the technology are likely to gain a significant competitive advantage. So far, case uses for operations automation range from bookkeeping to inventory control to workflow management, and there are new applications being dreamed up every day. 

AI can automate data entry tasks by extracting and processing information from various sources such as documents, forms, and invoices. This reduces manual errors, increases data accuracy, and speeds up the data processing workflow, allowing small businesses to focus on higher-value tasks.

These tools can optimize inventory management by analyzing historical data, sales trends, and customer behavior. Algorithms can predict demand, optimize inventory levels, manage production schedules, and automate replenishment processes. This minimizes stockouts, reduces excess inventory, improves the overall supply chain, and helps to meet changing customer demands efficiently and proactively. 

Intelligent workflow automation can streamline assignments, scheduling, and project management. These shortcuts help to allocate resources, track progress, and optimize workflows based on predefined rules and priorities, allowing businesses to improve productivity, manage resources, and meet project deadlines more consistently. 

8. Data analytics

Many businesses are now harnessing the power of AI to enhance their analytical capabilities, enabling them to unlock the full potential of their data, derive valuable insights, and make strategic, informed decisions that boost growth and save resources.

High-powered algorithms analyze sales data, market trends, and external factors to forecast demand, manage production schedules, and plan marketing campaigns. Predictive analytics models leverage historical data to forecast future outcomes, identify trends and anticipate customer behavior.

This technology interprets customer data, such as purchase history, demographics, and online behavior, to segment customers into distinct groups. Companies then use this information to identify target audiences, personalize offerings, and deliver pinpointed sales pitches that resonate with specific customers.

AI can evaluate text data from customer reviews, social media posts, and surveys to determine sentiment and opinions, helping businesses gauge customer satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and address concerns promptly. It can conduct broad market research and analyze your competitors to give you a clear picture of the ever-changing business landscape before you.

These tools can also automate the process of cleaning and processing data. By analyzing patterns and identifying outliers, AI detects and corrects errors, handles missing values, and ensures data quality, eliminating the need for manual data cleansing. 

Data visualization tools can transform complex data sets into visually engaging presentations by creating interactive charts, graphs, and dashboards that effectively communicate insights. These presentations enable stakeholders to understand and interpret complex information easily, which leads to better decision-making and improved, data-driven strategies.

For more information about the analytical capabilities of AI, please read Making That Sale’s article “What is Analytical CRM?

9. Customer Support

By providing businesses with effective tools for maximizing their resources and personalizing their communication, AI has found a strong niche in customer service. From intelligent chatbots to personalized shopping experiences, AI-powered solutions can deliver efficient, effective, round-the-clock support if properly implemented.

Nearly two-thirds (64%) of business owners believe AI will improve customer relationships. (Forbes Advisor)

AI-powered chatbots can handle customer inquiries and provide instant responses to a wide range of questions. These virtual assistants are integrated into websites, messaging platforms, or phone systems to provide customers the support they need 24 hours a day. They can understand customer queries and provide relevant information, FAQs, video tutorials, troubleshooting guidance, or basic transactional support. 

Ever-improving speech recognition technology can accurately transcribe and analyze customer voice interactions. This gives businesses the ability to automate call center operations, transcribe customer calls for future reference, and extract insights from voice data.

Sentiment analysis evaluates customer feedback, social media mentions, and survey responses to gauge customer sentiment and satisfaction. It identifies trends of positive, negative, or neutral feelings expressed by customers, equipping businesses to proactively address concerns, resolve issues, and improve their services.

AI can be used to evaluate customer data, such as purchase history, preferences, and browsing behavior, to deliver more personalized shopping support. By understanding individual customer needs, these customer service systems offer tailored recommendations, relevant product suggestions, and customized solutions. These activities result in increased cross-selling and upselling opportunities and enhanced customer experiences that drive repeat business.

In some of the hottest technology, AI-guided virtual reality systems are being designed to give customers the chance to test drive and sample products from the ease of their own homes. Just put on the goggles and next thing you know you’re previewing furniture in your home, sitting in a new car, or trying out makeup on your own skin. 

While AI is certainly changing customer service forever, it’s important to find a balance between artificial and human interaction. AI can handle routine inquiries and provide quick responses, but human support is often crucial for complex or emotionally sensitive issues. Businesses should aim to integrate AI technologies with human support to provide a seamless customer experience that focuses on building strong relationships.

10. Marketing

Artificial intelligence has proven itself to be a game-changer in the field of marketing, giving small businesses potent tools to optimize their campaign strategies and reach new audiences. By embracing AI-powered marketing solutions, businesses can achieve higher marketing ROI, build stronger relationships, increase customer engagement, and gain a competitive advantage in the market. 

These platforms analyze vast amounts of customer data to identify distinct customer segments based on demographics, behavior, and preferences. This allows businesses to create and schedule highly-targeted advertising campaigns that reach the right audience at the right time, leading to higher engagement, conversion rates, and overall customer satisfaction.

Predictive analytics models interpret historical customer data and market trends to forecast future behavior, such as purchasing patterns, churn likelihood, or customer lifetime value. Businesses can use these insights to predict demand, allocate resources effectively, and identify opportunities for growth. 

Social media listening can be used to monitor social media platforms, blogs, and online forums to gather real-time insights on industry trends, helping businesses to understand customer perceptions and tailor their marketing strategies accordingly. 

These tools can process and analyze marketing results to provide valuable insight, visualizations, and performance reports. They can be used to track key metrics, measure campaign effectiveness, and identify areas for growth, effectively evaluating their own performance and consciously improving upon it. 

11. Human resources

I know it sounds counterintuitive, but artificial intelligence actually has a lot to offer the world of  “human” resources. By leveraging AI in HR, small businesses can optimize talent management, improve employee experiences, and focus on strategic initiatives that streamline hiring, onboarding, and training processes. 

To automate and improve hiring, AI can help by analyzing resumes, job applications, and candidate profiles. It is able to screen candidates based on predefined criteria, match skills to job requirements, and rank applicants accordingly. 

This enables HR staff to save time, reduce bias, and identify the most suitable candidates for further evaluation. Additionally, AI analytics provides valuable information on big picture workforce planning strategies, talent retention, and diversity and inclusion efforts.

These tools can facilitate onboarding by providing new employees with relevant information and training materials, and answering frequently asked questions. Chatbots or virtual assistants help to guide new hires through the journey, ensuring a smooth and personalized experience. 

Adept at designing and building custom training materials, AI platforms are able to create tutorials and how-to videos that deliver personalized learning experiences to employees. By analyzing individual skill gaps, preferences, and learning styles, these tools can recommend relevant training modules, courses, or resources. This helps small businesses to provide targeted development opportunities and upskill their workforce in an efficient and personalized way.

AI can measure and enhance employee engagement by collecting and analyzing real-time feedback. Self-generated surveys and sentiment analysis tools gauge employee satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and provide insights for action. By keeping a good pulse on employee feelings and concerns, businesses can address issues promptly and create a positive work environment.

When it comes to evaluating employee performance, AI can assist by analyzing data from various sources, such as project management tools, performance metrics, and written feedback. The algorithms provide insights on individual performance, identify recurring patterns, and recommend areas for development, all of which help to facilitate thorough evaluations and targeted training interventions.

Additionally, these programs can analyze performance metrics and career progression to identify high-potential employees and create succession plans. By more deeply understanding the skills and capabilities of their workforce, businesses can proactively address talent gaps, plan for future leadership roles, support career development, and analyze the effectiveness of their overall organizational network. 

On the practical side, AI-powered chatbots or virtual assistants can handle routine HR inquiries from employees, such as processing leave requests, providing policy information, or responding to benefits queries. These systems provide instant responses, reducing the burden on HR personnel and ensuring quick and accurate support for employees.

Be aware that it’s important for small businesses to strike a balance between AI and human interaction in HR processes. While AI can automate certain tasks and provide great insight, human touch and genuine empathy remain essential for fostering relationships, handling complex employee concerns, and maintaining a healthy workplace culture.

12. Accounting

For everything from running payroll to tracking expenses to doing your taxes, AI has the potential to be a true financial wizard. It can be a valuable asset for businesses when it comes to accounting by providing automation, efficiency, and accuracy throughout all fiscal processes. 

Data entry tasks are easily automated by using AI to extract relevant information from invoices, receipts, and other financial documents, which minimizes errors and reduces the need for repetitive and time-consuming manual data entry.

To streamline expense management processes, AI can be used to automatically categorize expenses and reconcile receipts with corresponding transactions, simplifying expense tracking, ensuring compliance, and expediting the reimbursement processes.

If you need more insight, the algorithms analyze financial data, such as income statements, balance sheets, expense reports, and cash flow statements. By detecting patterns, anomalies, and trends in financial data, businesses can make informed decisions, identify cost-saving opportunities, and improve overall financial performance.

Forecasting models can analyze historical financial data and market trends to generate accurate predictions and support budgeting processes. This helps businesses to project future revenue, expenses, and cash flow, and enable effective financial planning and resource allocation.

To keep you safe and secure, these tools can detect anomalies and patterns indicative of fraudulent activities within financial data. By analyzing transaction records, employee behavior, and external factors, the tools will flag suspicious activities, such as unauthorized transactions or irregular spending patterns, thereby mitigating the risk of fraud and financial loss.

AI can also assist businesses in ensuring compliance with financial regulations and audit requirements by identifying potential non-compliance issues and generating audit trails. In staying updated with tax regulations, it can accurately calculate tax liabilities, identify deductions and credits, and generate error-free tax returns, while also suggesting tax-saving opportunities.

Intelligent accounting platforms automate the generation of financial reports, presenting data in easily understandable formats such as charts, graphs, and dashboards. This gives businesses the easy-to-digest insights they need to communicate financial information effectively and make well-informed, data-driven decisions.

Keep in mind, implementing AI for accounting requires careful consideration of data privacy and security. Businesses should ensure compliance with applicable regulations, protect sensitive financial data, and maintain data integrity throughout all accounting processes.

13. Cybersecurity

Artificial intelligence is already deeply embedded in the field of cybersecurity and fraud detection, providing advanced tools and techniques to combat ever-evolving threats. With this technology at their sides, businesses can bolster their defenses, mitigate risks, and protect critical assets and customer data. These solutions enable faster threat detection, more effective incident response, and proactive measures to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals and fraudsters. 

AI security programs analyze vast amounts of data from various sources, such as network logs and user behavior, to detect patterns and anomalies associated with cyber threats. Antivirus software identifies malicious code, detects suspicious files, and proactively protects systems against unwanted attacks. By continuously monitoring network traffic, these systems spot potential security breaches, malware infections, or unauthorized activities in real time, allowing security teams to take immediate action.

This technology already plays a crucial role in identifying fraudulent activities across various domains, such as finance, e-commerce, and insurance. Whether it’s detecting credit card fraud, identity theft, or account takeovers, AI-powered systems can flag suspicious patterns, trigger alerts, and prevent financial loss. It can also analyze email content and URLs to identify phishing attempts, malicious links, misleading content, and other deceptive techniques.

It’s worth noting that while AI enhances cybersecurity and fraud detection capabilities, it is not a silver bullet. Human expertise and intervention remain essential to interpret AI-generated insights, make strategic decisions, and respond effectively to complex threats.

14. Coding

By equipping developers with powerful tools and techniques to enhance productivity, improve code quality, and automate repetitive tasks, artificial intelligence is transforming the field of coding. Intelligent coding tools facilitate developers to be more efficient, reduce manual effort, and ultimately create better software products. With this technology, software engineers can accelerate development cycles and focus on higher-level problem-solving tasks to push their products to the next level. 

These tools can generate code based on verbal instructions, taking work off of developers by automating the initial stages of code writing. Coders can instruct the AI to write code by using natural language, thereby expressing code intent in a more intuitive way and reducing the learning curve for new programming frameworks.

The latest AI models are even encouraging coding rookies to write new programs. With its new API (application programming interface) technology, ChatGPT can actually write code for you based on your parameters and goals. That means if you have an idea, you can use the AI tool to build the application for you from start to finish.

AI-powered search engines assist developers in finding relevant code snippets, libraries, or documentation. By understanding the context of the search query and analyzing code repositories, the algorithms provide more accurate and efficient code search results, saving developers time and effort in locating reusable code.

Through analyzing code patterns, test cases, and historical data, the algorithms detect potential errors, offer suggestions for bug fixes, and help developers troubleshoot issues more efficiently. These debugging tools can analyze stack traces, logs, and execution traces to pinpoint the root cause of recurring problems.

It’s important to remember that AI in coding is not meant to replace human developers, but to augment their capabilities and streamline the coding process. In fact, the collaboration between AI and human expertise is still critical for most high-level, innovative projects. 

15. Social media 

Social media was fun at first, but I bet most small business owners would happily pawn this tedious, time-consuming job off on someone else if they could. Fortunately, AI is modernizing social media management by providing advanced capabilities to analyze data, automate tasks, and deliver personalized experiences. Intelligent social media management tools enable businesses to optimize their social media presence, grow their audience, and build strong brand connections with less work and stress. 

With AI, you can create all aspects of a social media post from imagery to video to text. It can even generate ideas to strategize an overarching social media plan, or suggest specific posts designed to increase audience engagement.

These tools analyze user preferences, trending topics, and historical data to curate relevant and high-interest content for social media posts. The algorithms suggest articles, images, or videos that align with a brand’s voice and target audience while also automating content scheduling and optimizing the timing of posts for maximum reach.

Social listening tools track mentions, hashtags, and keywords related to a brand or industry across platforms to identify emerging trends, monitor brand mentions, evaluate user experience, and gather customer feedback. They analyze social media conversations, images, video, and comments to determine the real-time sentiment and emotional tone associated with a brand or a specific topic. 

Do you need help identifying influencers and individuals who have a significant impact on social media in your industry? AI can do it. 

By analyzing engagement rates, audience demographics, and content relevance, the algorithms will identify potential influencers to collaborate with for brand promotions and partnerships. They can also automate influencer outreach, track campaign performance, and measure the impact of influencer marketing initiatives.

Social media analytics tools can interpret social media data to provide insights on engagement, reach, audience demographics, and content performance. By tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and generating easy-to-read reports, AI helps businesses to measure the success of social media strategies, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven marketing decisions.

Don’t forget – it’s important for businesses to use AI with social media in an ethical way. Respecting user privacy, complying with data regulations, and ensuring transparency in AI-driven processes are crucial considerations to protect your customers and preserve the good name of your brand. 


As you can see, the potential business applications for AI in the 21st century are wide-ranging. With the right strategies and philosophy, you may see tremendous benefits from the use of artificial intelligence in your enterprise today. 

But remember – it’s important to clarify your goals, select the right tools, and invest the time and resources into making AI work for you. Like any new technology, AI is not a magic remedy, but a powerful tool to be respected, understood, and used to the best of your ability.

For more information on using AI for your business, read Making That Sale’s articles “The Risks and Benefits of Using AI for Your Business” and “The Top 10 Tips for Incorporating AI into Your Business.”


What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial Intelligence refers to the development of computer systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. It involves creating algorithms and models that enable machines to learn, reason, perceive, and make decisions.

What are the different types of AI?

There are primarily three types of AI: narrow or weak AI, general or strong AI, and superintelligent AI. Narrow AI refers to systems designed for specific tasks like voice recognition or image classification. General AI would have human-like intelligence across a wide range of domains. Superintelligent AI, a concept yet to be realized, would surpass human intelligence in all aspects.

How does machine learning differ from AI?

Machine learning is a subset of AI. It focuses on training algorithms to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without explicit programming. They enable machines to learn patterns and make predictions or decisions based on data. Popular machine-learning algorithms include linear regression, decision trees, support vector machines, and neural networks. 

What are algorithms, and how does AI use them?

Algorithms are a set of step-by-step instructions, or mathematical rules, designed to solve specific problems or perform tasks. They provide a systematic approach to problem-solving by breaking down complex tasks into simpler, more manageable steps. 

In the context of AI, algorithms are essential components that enable machines to learn, reason, and make intelligent decisions. AI utilizes various algorithms depending on the specific task or problem it aims to solve. Some examples of algorithms are machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, search and optimization, and recommendation engines. 

Can AI become smarter than humans?

While AI has made significant advancements, the concept of “general artificial intelligence” (AI that surpasses human intelligence across all domains) remains theoretical. Current AI systems are highly specialized and excel at specific tasks but lack the comprehensive cognitive abilities of humans.

What are the ethical concerns surrounding AI?

Ethical concerns in AI include issues such as privacy, bias and fairness, accountability, transparency, and the potential impact on jobs and society. Ensuring responsible AI development and deployment is crucial to address these concerns and minimize unintended consequences.

How is AI used in real-world applications?

AI finds applications in various fields, including healthcare, finance, transportation, customer service, and entertainment. It powers virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa, enables personalized recommendations on streaming platforms, aids in medical diagnosis, assists in autonomous vehicles, makes stock market predictions, and enhances fraud detection systems, among countless other applications.